Wide Format Printing—Choose the Best Printer for Your Needs

If your company has identified a need for wide format printing, the next step is in the process is deciding which printer suits your specific qualifications. Wide format printing systems offered by WBS Technologies offer advantages and features to suit a wide variety of industry applications.

What Are Your Key Requirements?
  • Is speed an important consideration? If turn-around time is paramount, choose a wide format printer with a lot of power. Many models offer fast print time combined with superior photo-quality color prints.
  • Got color? Just like their smaller counterparts, wide format printers offer monochrome and/or color printing. If your primary goal is to produce eye-catching posters and banners for retail sales, you’ll definitely want to take advantage of color. For businesses usually printing plain text or images like CAD drawings, monochrome will do the job nicely. But don’t rule out color for these applications. Rendering additions to AEC and other technical drawings in color is an easy way to make sure changes aren’t missed.
  • Image quality and print media. The nature of your business will determine the quality of print required. Photographers and artists have creative processes requiring results that hold to the integrity of the work. You’ll want the best the industry offers when it comes to image quality. The best way to find the printer that meets your requirements is to ask for a demonstration, taking the time to print on the media you’ll be using and evaluating the qualities that are most important to you.
Look Beyond the Sticker Price
At first glance, it may seem a good idea to buy the printer with the lowest sticker price. You’ll want to delve a lot further into costs than sticker price, though, and consider the cost of consumables. Lower priced printers tend to use pricier consumables, and they use more of them. They may also have higher maintenance costs and use more energy. And printers that regularly produce inferior results may require multiple attempts to get a satisfactory print.
To learn more about which Wide Format Printer will best suit your unique requirements, contact Wood Business Solutions today!


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